Emma Wold to Jane Addams, February 11, 1920

American Women's Emergency Committee
72 Washington Square, S., New York City

February 11th, 1920

Miss Jane Addams,
Hull House, Chicago, Ill.

My dear Miss Addams: --

Will you let us use your name on the Advisory Council of the American Women's Emergency Committee for the new appeals we are sending out?

You will see from the enclosed copy of an appeal already used in the New Republic, the Nation, The Survey, and the New York Globe what we are asking for. The new appeal is practically the same. The response to the earlier appeals was very remarkable, -- record-breaking in the case of the New Republic.

Things look promising for getting a ship to Russia before very long. The American Friends Service Committee has promised its cooperation in the distribution of the supplies we send. It is most important that we do this work now, since the Red Cross and Hoover campaign to feed the starving children of Europe makes no provision for starving Russian Children who appear not to be any part of European humanity. Thus far we are the only American organization doing work for Soviet Russia. While we are not certain of the action of the State Department in granting clearance papers for a relief ship to a Soviet port, we have enough of a statement from the department [page 2] to justify us in going on.

Will you please wire me your reply collect as our copy is ready for the press? Please wire me at 2 Milligan Place.

We earnestly hope it will be "Yes".

Very sincerely yours,

Emma Wold [signed]