Rosa Genoni to Jane Addams, December 14, 1919


Comitato Internazionale Femminile per una Pace Durevole

Milano 14-12-1919

Dear Miss Jane Addams,

[Our] section of the W.I.L.P.F. used one of the first voices amongst the Italian public opinion in favor of Austrian starving people. We gave to the [press] the appeal of the Austrian womens we received from Geneve during the end of last [October]. We also interested for the cause some of our Socialist [Deputies].

After the publication of the Austrian Womens Appeal other articles on the same object appeared especially on our Socialist Papers, and as a result of all this a National Committee for helping starving Austrian children was established in Rome by the League of Socialist Municipalities by the Italian Workers Confederation and the National Workers [page 2] League of Cooperatives and they obtained from the Italian Government some facilitation in supplying hospital trains for the transporting of the [children] to Italy, and a certain quantity of food etc. We are having a first expedition of 2000 [children] amongst us whom shall be recovered in Climactical Colonies, in Collages and in private families; all of them will be under the direct control of the [Municipalities].

As you know the great [mass] of Italian workers was against the war and never partaked the hatred so much encouraged by the Nationalist Party. They feel the International Brotherhood and though they are poor they willingly give their little help to the poorer than them.

Several associations subscribed for a certain number of [page 3] [children] and our Section too offered his action. Please, [excuse] me if I dared to send you a wire in the hope you could rise some good initiative amongst American Ladies either by charging our Section to get here some children in their name, or by sending condensed milk food dresses [etc.]

Please excuse my bad English and believe me [always truly devoted].

Rosa Genoni