James Gorton to Jane Addams, February 23, 1920


1814 Cuyler Av., Chicago, Ill. Feb. 23, 1920

Miss Jane Addams,
Hull House.

Dear Miss Addams,

I was glad to read in the morning's Herald and Examiner your splendid utterance on the deportation of aliens. I hope it will be very ↑widely↓ published, circulated and read. What is the remedy for all this prejudice and bigotry, injustice and cowardice in regard to freedom of thought, freedom of opinion, and freedom of speech?

It is, in my judgment, very largely in the complete enfranchisement of woman and the leadership of women by such women as yourself and Mrs. Carrie Chapman Catt.

With very high consideration,

Rev. Jas. Gorton [signed]

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