Attorney Kirkland Questioning Edward Marshall, July 15, 1919


(From the deposition of Edward Marshall; Attorney Kirkland for The Tribune questioning; Mr. Marshall answering)

Q: Will you tell us, Mr. Marshall, just what discussion you had with Mr. Ford personally regarding this first part of the article, where it says: "He looked out of the window, saying: 'To my mind the word 'murderer' should be embroidered in red letters across the breast of every soldier.'" Now tell us just what discussion you had with Mr. Ford about that?

A: I believe that that statement is in a sense an inaccuracy, although not in a [page 2] journalistic sense an inaccuracy.

Q: Tell us what discussion you had with Mr. Ford?

A: I believe that that statement was made to me by Miss Jane Addams when I went to see her in company with Norman Hapgood.

Q: That does not answer my question.

A: And that the thing clung in my mind, and that after going to Detroit I mentioned this to Mr. Ford and he agreed with it, that he consented to its use.

MR. KIRKLAND: I move to strike out the part about the discussion with Miss Addams as not responsive.

THE WITNESS: It originated with Miss Jane Addams.

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