Eleanor Daggett Karsten to Ruth Churchyard Williams, March 14, 1918


March 14th, 1918.

Mrs. Frank Williams,
54 Irving Place,
Buffalo, New York.

My dear Mrs. Williams:

Miss Addams left for California before your letter of March 4th, was received, and I hesitate very much to send it after her. She was very greatly troubled about the whole matter, and was much comforted just before she left, by a letter from Mrs. Leach, with the hope that an understanding had been reached between you and Miss Eastman, and that you would accept the position of Honorary Chairman of the new board. Will you not write me in reference to this?

It would give me so much pleasure to write to Miss Addams that you had consented to take this position, and that this very satisfactory arrangement had been reached, simply through your own desire, and that of Miss Eastman's, to effect a satisfactory solution of the problem.

Miss Addams is now in California, where she will be for the rest of the month. She is not planning to go East until possibly in June. She is much better than she was, but after all, the last few weeks have been difficult ones for her, as she did not seem to recover as rapidly as she had hoped from the little hospital experience. I sincerely hope, however, that California, is all that is needed to set her up again, and I am quite sure that a note from you saying that the difficulty has been fully settled in the New York situation, would go far.

Very sincerely yours,

Executive Secretary.