Sophonisba P. Breckinridge to Anna Hansine Molander, January 25, 1919


January 25, 1919.

My dear Miss Molander: --

Miss Addams has asked me to reply to your letter of November seventeenth. She and I both regret greatly the sufferings you have undergone. You have, of course, suffered in common with many other women in the neutral and belligerent countries. Miss Addams regrets extremely that she can see no way by which your transportation to America and your support after reaching America can be provided. She did the best she could to bring aid to you, but she evidently blundered seriously and she sees no reason to think that other efforts on her part would be more successful. She and I both feel that in your state of extreme destitution, it is wasteful for you to use time and paper and postage further to appeal to her. If any way of aiding you should open, she would take advantage of it without further appeal on your part. She does not forget your necessities, but has been unable to relieve them in any way agreeable to you.

Very truly yours,

Miss Anna Molander
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