Salmon Oliver Levinson to Jane Addams, December 6, 1918

76 West Monroe Street

December 6, 1918

Dear Miss Addams: --

I will be available for luncheon any day up to and including Thursday. I expect to go to Pittsburgh Thursday night returning Friday night.

If our house would be desirable, my wife advised me we could accommodate with our limited dining room facilities, a total of ten. If more are wanted we might have the meeting in the evening. We would enjoy very much having you and your group at dinner with us if it could be Tuesday or Wednesday of next week. It occurred to me that a dinner and evening combined would be the most effective way to get acquainted and compose our ideas and method of campaign.

I would like very much to have Professor Clark there if he is in the City. My partner, Mr. Frank, has been intensely interested in this line of endeavor, and I would like him present also, if there is room. If you are thinking of adding to the list of effectives, there are some names that I may want to suggest, but this we can do later.

I am more than delighted that you are willing to lend your mighty hand to some of these fundamental, I would say indispensable bases for a League.


S O Levinson [signed]

Miss Jane [Addams],
c/o Hull House,
800 S. Halsted St. City.

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