January 25, 1918.
My dear Miss Addams:
We are delighted to know that you will speak in St. Louis on the evening of February second at the official opening of their Patriotic Food Show, and have wired [W.F.] Gephart, of the Food Administration office in that city, to that effect.
Enclosed herewith we are sending you a book of Government Requests for Transportation. These requests need to be filled out in duplicate (a carbon is in the back of the book); it will be necessary to use one request for your round trip ticket to St. Louis and return and one each for your Pullman reservation to and from St. Louis. The carbon copies should be left in the book until all of the requests are used, unless you wish to put in your claim for reimbursement of expenses incurred in connection with each trip that you make for us -- in which case the carbons relating to transportation for each particular trip should be returned with expense account. An expense account memorandum book is also enclosed herewith. It is for your convenience in keeping a record of the time and day you leave Chicago to start on your various trips and the time and day upon which you return to Chicago, in each case, so that the Government per diem of four dollars a day for expenses may be claimed.
We have received your letter of the 18th instant and forwarded enclosed voucher to the Accounting Division. We note that you are sending a copy of your food speech which is adapted especially to women's clubs and that you will send the more general talk if this is preferred. In reply, we wish to say that we shall be very pleased to have both if it is not too inconvenient for you to furnish same.
Today a call for your services has come from the City Club, Cleveland, and we have told them that they may have you on the 9th of March for a luncheon meeting if the engagement meets with your approval. Will you please advise at your very earliest convenience whether you can accept this engagement.
Assuring you of our deep appreciation of your contributions, we are,
Faithfully yours,
U.S. Food Administration
Chief -- Speaking Division