James Bronson Reynolds to Jane Addams, June 7, 1906

"The Highlands"
Washington, D. C.,
June 7, 1906.
Miss Jane Addams,
#351 S. Halsted street,
Chicago, Ill.

Dear Miss Addams:

A hearing was granted yesterday to the representative of the packers. While smoothly affirming the desire of the packers for increased inspection, he opposed placing the power to establish sanitary regulations in the Secretary of Agriculture. In brief his position seemd to me to be ↑that of↓ conceding inspection but of refusing to give that inspection power to remedy abuses - at least to the extent that I am sure you and I are agreed would be necessary. The Congressional Committee is moving slowly and the newspapers say is taking an attitude of friendliness to the packers. The Chairman of the Committee of Agriculture is Mr. Wadsworth, a large stock raiser of New York. Mr. [Lorimer] of Chicago is another member.

The situation, I am told, depends largely upon the attitude of the Chicago press and public. I write to ask if something cannot be done to secure a strong expression of public sentiment in Chicago favoring the passage of the Beveridge amendment or the principles involved in that [page 2] amendment? I will gladly give you any help I can if you wish it, but you will be ↑are↓ the best judge of what is needed and the best qualified to secure proper action.

Very truly yours,

James B Reynolds. [signed]

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