World Alliance for Promoting International Friendship through the Churches
June 25, 1917
My dear Miss Addams:
We desire to make a brief report to date of what we have been doing and planning.
The Council at its meeting at Garden City, April 27, 1916, instructed the Executive Committee to draft and provisionally adopt such [Bylaws] as it may deem advisable. The Executive Committee on April 25, 1917, took the needed action. We herewith enclose a printed copy of the Constitution and [Bylaws].
Your attention is particularly called to the new cooperative relation that has been established between the American Council of the World Alliance and the Commission on International Justice and Goodwill of the Federal Council of the Churches of Christ in America by the provision for a Joint Executive Committee.
Kindly note that we are extending wide invitations to individuals to become members of the American Branch of the World Alliance. Will you not aid us in extending this invitation by telling your friends of this movement and by sending us names of those to whom we may mail our literature and whom we may invite to become members?
We desire also to call your attention to the fact that the name for the committee in the local church has been changed from "Peace Makers Committee" to "Committee on International Friendship."
All our overhead charges are provided for, but we need the moral energy, the faith and prayer and the financial support of large numbers in order to carry out a large campaign of education with field workers and a magazine.
Very sincerely yours,
This movement seeks the continuous promotion of International Justice and Goodwill. It is loyal to our Government, and does not attempt to decide political issues in regard to the present war.