Eleanor Daggett Karsten to Bertha Read-Phipps, May 2, 1917


May 2nd, 1917.

My dear Mrs. Phipps: --

Miss Addams has asked me to write and acknowledge to you the song which you have sent to her. I am very glad indeed to have seen this and am returning it to you, as I believe, from the fact that you enclosed a stamped envelope, you wished me to do. I regret exceedingly to say that the Woman's Peace Party has no funds for the publication of material of this sort. We sometimes have calls for peace songs and are glad to recommend good ones we know, but we ourselves have but limited funds and are not able to put anything into the publication of songs. I believe, as you do, good music is of enormous value in interesting everyone.

I am enclosing several recent publications in which you may be interested.

Very sincerely yours,

Office Secretary.

Mrs. Bertha Read-Phipps,
3033 E. 32nd St.,
Kansas City, Missouri.

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