Angelique Kilmer to Jane Addams, March, 30, 1906




Paw Paw, Mich., March 30. 1906.

Miss Jane Addams.

Chicago, Ill.

Dear Madam: Will you kindly advise me if you know of any opportunity for a position whereby I can support my children? I am thirty-six years of age of medium weight and in good health.

I have a high school education and had a normal class training: was a successful teacher in all of the various grammar grades for several years in central New York, my early home, and can refer you to Hobart A Krum of Schoharie our former state senator who has known me from a child.

I am also known by the Royal Trust Co. of Chicago and will furnish you any references, you may desire.

I should be fourteen years back on methods in teaching.

I have had a general business training from actual experience in managing property and caring [page 2] for a home.

I understand all branches of cooking and housekeeping and plain cutting and sewing for children. I have an eighty-acre farm here, but there has been a [mortgage] of twenty-five hundred on it. It is paying me eight percent, but owing to heavy extra expenses this year I am afraid I cannot hold it.

My eldest daughter had appendicitis in November, one of the worst forms, and I have had an enormous expense for a surgeon from there and other necessaries to save the child's life.

I am not afraid of work, having always lived an energetic life. I can execute rapidly work I understand.

There are four children – three girls and one boy. The eldest daughter is thirteen, the youngest four.

My sister who is a maiden lady will remain with them if I can provide.

The advantages are so good here, I wish to leave them in the country. [page 3]

I have lived in both city and country and can adapt myself.

I assure you it is a real problem confronting me and if you can give me any assistance it will be most gratefully appreciated.

I was pondering over the situation last evening after reading your article in the Journal and was prompted to write you.

Very sincerely yours,

Angelique Kilmer

Paw Paw, Mich.

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