Lotta Alexander to Jane Addams, March 20, 1906

Mt. Vernon, Indiana
March 20, 1906.
Miss Jane Addams
Hull House, Chicago, Ill.

Dear Miss Addams,

Your recent article in the "Ladies Home Journal" was very interesting to me as I should like very much to do settlement work. I have heard of several girls who have entered Hull House, but I do not know just how they went about it.

Would it be asking too much of you, I wonder, to ask you the duties of a settlement [page 2] worker, whether or not one has to provide one's own clothes and board, the qualifications, the steps necessary to become a resident worker, etc.?

I am eighteen years old, and a graduate of the Mt. Vernon High School, Class of 1905. I also understand typewriting and general office work. Any other information which you may desire I shall gladly furnish. Hoping that I have not consumed too much of your time and wishing your success in your Great work, I remain

Sincerely yours,

Miss Lotta Alexander.

P.O. Box 313.

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