Paul Underwood Kellogg to Jane Addams, February, 14, 1917


February 14, 1917.

Dear Miss Addams:

I held off writing anything for last week's Survey, feeling that with developments coming so fast and issues reaching so deep, I wanted to put anything I might draft before you and Professor Taylor before publication. It was not until the Lincoln holiday that I could master it, and could not conscientiously put it over another week, and am sending it to you in galley proof. For I have come to feel that this is what I must say and must say it now. It comes out as an individual article -- not an editorial; and before committing The Survey editorially to any of the positions taken, I should be glad to have your frankest and most specific criticism and suggestion.

We are publishing Lloyd George's address to Americans, and articles by Miss Balch and Dr. Melish in the same number. It seemed the only square thing to do for me to interpret both my stewardship to The Survey in these critical times, and my position on the issues before us. I have done it soberly, slowly and hopefully.
