Frederick Paul Keppel to Jane Addams, December 12, 1916

American Association for International Conciliation
Sub-station 84 New York, N.Y.

December 12, 1916

Miss Jane Addams
The Woman's Peace Party
116 S. Michigan Avenue, Chicago, Ill.

Dear Miss Addams

I have just received back from President Butler your letter of November 16th, and am sorry to say that in the light of opinions expressed at a meeting of the Executive Committee of the Foundation, which was held a few days ago, he feels that the work of a Conference of Oppressed or Dependent Nationalities would lie outside of the field of work to which the Endowment is already committed.

We are literally pouring money into South American enterprises of various kinds, and a pocket even as deep as Mr. Carnegie's has a bottom to it somewhere.

Faithfully yours,

<F. P. Keppel

Since I dictated this letter I read the newspaper notice of the Conference, and am glad to see how much attention the idea has attracted.>