Henry Sydnor Harrison to Jane Addams, September 13, 1916


13 September, 1916

Dear Miss Addams:

An equal suffrage amendment to the constitution of West Virginia is to come before the people <of the State,> for approval or rejection, in November. The campaign is now under way; and to aid in the cause, a Men's Equal Suffrage League has lately been organized in this city. This League has decided that it could do nothing else so valuable as to bring to Charleston, to speak for suffrage, a man or woman of national distinction and authority. The choice of the League turned at once to you; and the writer was instructed to try to ascertain whether or not it could hope to secure you.

I do not have the advantage of knowing what your practice is in these cases, and am of course aware, in common with most of your fellow-citizens, that the claims upon your time are very many and important. On the principle, however, that it can do no harm to try, I am writing for the League to inquire whether it would be possible for you to visit Charleston, and speak for suffrage, at any time at your convenience between now and November 1st; and -- should this be possible -- what fees would be required for so unusual a service.

Some years ago, when the Charities and Corrections Conference met in Richmond, I had the honor of being introduced to you at a reception to the Conference in the home of the Misses Stewart, Brook Hill. That is a very small point of contact, I am afraid. It is the acquaintance [page 2] I have made with you, before and since, in "Twenty Years at Hull House", and elsewhere in your work and record of work, that seems to justify me in the feeling that I am not writing to a stranger.

I need hardly add that it would be the greatest possible satisfaction to the League, and all its members, if they could be the means of giving to a Charleston audience the privilege of hearing you.

Believe me, with regard and respect,

Sincerely yours,

Henry Sydnor Harrison [signed]

Miss Jane Addams

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