Patriotism and Pacifists, April 30, 1917 (excerpt)

Jane Addams Says
U.S. Shouldn't Aid
To Starve Teutons

Chicago, Ill., May 1. -- (I.N.S.) -- Despite the fact that she is now at war, the United States should take the initiative in a movement to see to it that the women and children of no belligerent nation suffer the pangs of hunger, Miss Jane Addams, pacifist leader, declared before the Chicago Woman's Club Monday.

"It has been officially declared that we are entering this war for the sake of democracy," said Miss Addams. "While we are still free to make terms with our allies, are we not under obligation to assert that the United States owes too much to all the nations of the Earth to allow the women and children of any of them to starve?"