Madeleine Zabriskie Doty to Jane Addams, May 27, 1916

83 Washington Pl.
May 27 --

My dear Miss Addams: --

I want very much to see you and I am going to try to come to Chicago June 4th when a lot of women are going over. I shall probably go to Europe the end of June & can carry messages about with me for you. Moreover the W.P.P. of N.Y. wants me to see you about an International Conference in the early fall. If each city would agree to finance the expense of two foreign delegates I think we might pull it off. Anyway I want to talk to you about it.

Could I stop at Hull House or if you are not there, is there some place near you I could stay for I am coming only to see you.

It was good to get your letter, and I am looking forward greatly to seeing you. I do hope you continue to improve.

With much love --


Madeleine (Doty)

Mr Osborne is likely to be reinstated at Sing Sing in a week or so.

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