Frances Lillie Crane to Jane Addams, December 30, 1915


December 30, 1915

My dear Miss Addams,

Thank you for the book and the kind, kind invitation. Last night I read the book till midnight. It was very interesting for, I am ashamed to say, I had never read so much about the expedition before. It certain was splendidly courageous of you women to go. I admire courage now more than I ever did. There seems so pitifully little of it.

Courage, disinterested courage, and your intelligence is what our country cries for and the world through us. I am glad you are alive. You have been such a leader of our people and there are great big things left yet for you to do for us.

I am dying to go with you and hope I can go. We’ll see when the time com <comes> whether I can go or not. It is too splendid to think you are well enough to contemplate it.

Do you suppose Mrs. Wilmarth can go too?

I hope we’ll have her with us. She was so charming a hostess. We had such fun on the side lines while you did the work.

Very affectionately yours,

Frances C Lillie [signed]

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