Lucia Ames Mead to Florence Kelley, December 28, 1915


My dear Mrs. [Kelley],

Miss Addams has asked me to inform you that the Executive Council of the Woman’s Peace Party has selected you as one of the twenty delegates from this country to the International Congress of Women After the War.

The purpose of the Congress and the conditions of membership in it are explained in the enclosed statement to which you are urged to give your careful attention.

The officers of the Woman’s Peace Party are anxious to have a splendidly representative group of American women go as delegates to this Congress, and they hope that you will be able to become a member from this country.

Women who went to The Hague Congress in April met their own expenses, and we are obliged to ask the same sacrifice in this case unless some organization wishing to be represented will appoint you as their delegate.

Although the time and place of the meeting must remain indefinite until the calling of the Official Conference which shall frame the terms of peace after the war, it is nevertheless necessary to begin at once to plan for the proper representation from the United States, since such an undertaking involves much careful planning on the part of each woman who goes on this most important mission.

Hoping for a favorable answer at your earliest convenience, I am

Very sincerely yours,

National Secretary.

Mrs. Florence [Kelley],
The Nurses’ Settlement,
265 Henry Street,
New York, N.Y.

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