Graham Wallas to Jane Addams, June 4, 1915



Dear Miss Addams --

Here is the tract I promised to send.

These are horrible times. If I had been an Italian I know that I should have been passionately opposed to intervention. But now that Russia is faring [page 2] so badly I find myself rejoicing that Italy should come in. A definite German victory would I believe be an incalculable disaster.

I hardly dare to think about the American position. Wilson's note on the Lusitania was one from which it will be very [page 3] difficult to withdraw if he can get no satisfaction. And if the Americans are [illegible] prepared to fight for the principle of humanity on the seas for all peoples and not for Americans only it is a very fine thing -- But that China should be the only big country not at war "makes a goblin of the sun" -- and America will not be able to wage a "limited liability" war if hostilities [page 4] go on for, say, another year.

I wonder whether you abandoned your tour. It must have been a poor little consolation for the extension of warfare that you had to part with your Italian colleague.

Always your fellow human being

Graham Wallas.

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