Julia Day Yeomans to Jane Addams, May 30, 1904



My dear Miss [Addams],

These are remarkable days, these days before the wedding. I cannot accustom myself to them the kindness & attention of ones friends is so very pleasant, & yet almost over powering.

I, too, find your table cover delightful in color & workmanship [page 2] & need not try to tell you that it pleases Mr. Yeomans, you probably know his pleasure in hand work.

I very much value your good wishes & congratulations, Miss [Addams]. I feel that you must know Mr. Yeomans fairly well & I want you to know that I do appreciate & value him as a man & appreciate his power. [page 3] I feel sure that he will often be back at Hull House, have work there, & I hope to soon feel at home there too. Thank you for asking me to come.

I am so very glad that you are coming to our wedding, it is Thursday afternoon at 4.15, not Wednesday.

Faithfully yours,

Julia Day

May 30th


[page 4] Will you not come to our house with Mr. Le Moyne for a few moments after the wedding, only a very few of our friends will be there, but Mr. Yeomans is especially anxious to have your good wishes at that time, & we will both feel honored by them. This will not interfere with your taking a 5.34 train to town.

Julia Day.

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