James Rowland Angell to Jane Addams, April 23, 1903

April 23-1903

Dear Miss Addams-

The spirit of gratitude for a broader sympathy and a wider outlook impels me to drop you a line to thank you for what I [owe] "Democracy and Social Ethics."

I have just been reading some of the essays for a second time and I feel indisposed to allow so deep a sense of obligation as that [page 2] I cherish to go longer unacknowledged.

On the subjects about which you write I am the [illegible] layman -- and of a very ignorant type, I fear, at that. My expression has in it, therefore, no commandation beyond that of sincerity. But it pleases me to offer it and I hope you will receive it from

Yours Very Gratefully

James R. Angell

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