Frances Taussig to Sophonisba P. Breckinridge, June 3, 1914



1336 South Morgan Street

[Frances Taussig], Superintendent.

June 3, 1914.

Miss S. P. Breckinridge,
School of Civics,
Chicago, Ill.

Dear Miss Breckinridge, --

I have found on making inquiries that Samuel Marcus the young man who asked you for assistance to complete his medical education has made similar pleas to a number of persons and organizations. Mr. Jackson of the Bureau of Personal Service to whom he applied about three months ago gave me the following information:

In 1910 he entered the College of Physicians and Surgeons where he remained a year and completed his work with an average of about 80%. He spent the next year in the medical department of the University of Illinois at Champaign. In 1912 he re-enrolled at the College of Physicians and Surgeons, but became ill. His father sent him to Louisville, where he had friends and where he continued his studies. Upon his return, he again attended the College of Physicians and Surgeons [until] March 1913. No record of his work during the latter part of his course could be obtained since his attendance was fragmentary.

He came to Mr. Jackson for assistance in April 1914. Mr. Jackson found that his father owns the house in which the family lives and in which there are eight tenants. The young man has apparently been living a <somewhat> fast life. Shortly before this application, he had spent two weeks living at the Sherman House, for his health, as he claimed. He displayed a number of actresses' pictures, and when Mr. Jackson called at his home, he was preparing to go to a dance. About a month ago, he informed Mr. Jackson that he had a position with the Board of Health.

The Registrar of the College of Medicine and Surgery to whom I have spoken tells me that he entered that school in the Fall of 1913 and remained there until January of this year. He left, according to this statement, to marry, and the Registrar believes that his father opposed his marriage and that this was the cause of the difficulty between father and son. Upon entering the school, he paid for a year's tuition, and he can re-enter it at any time without further payment. He entered as a conditioned student since he had not turned into the school his credits from the schools which he had first attended. <over> [page 2]

However, the Registrar informs me that he can graduate in about three months if the conditions can be taken care of. He says that the boy is bright but that the thought of working in order to pay his expenses never seems to have entered his mind. He seems to have felt that his going to school depended entirely upon the assistance which he could receive from his father, and that the matter was out of his own hands.

Mr. Jackson is going to make another effort to see the father of the result of which I shall be glad to inform you. Nevertheless, Mr. Jackson feels, as do Mr. Israel Cowan and a number of other people who have come in contact with the boy, that he should be [allowed] to finish his medical education by his own efforts.

Assuring you of our desire to cooperate with you, I am

Very sincerely,

Frances Taussig.