Emmeline Pethick-Lawrence to Carrie Chapman Catt, November 2, 1914


Mrs Pethick-Lawrence writes from Washington, in a letter dated November 2:--

The Women's War Against War, a militant Peace Movement based on votes for women, was brilliantly inaugurated last night in the capital of the United States and the headquarters of the Government.

A gathering of 300 invited persons, convened for business, met, endorsed entirely the Proposition drawn up, and elected a very large Executive, to be sub-divided into Finance, Press and Publicity, Hospitality, and Meetings Committees. A Conference is to be convened here in the New Year, to which the groups from other cities will be invited, and the plan of a National Campaign will then be mapped out. I have promised to remain in America for this Conference and to speak at the Mass Meeting which will be organized in connection with it. The Hon. Sec. for Washington is Mrs. John Jay White, Studio House, Sheridan Circle. The Hon. Sec. for Boston is Mrs. Hutcheson Page, Equal Suffrage Association 585 Boylston Street, Boston. I hope several cities will be abel to be representated in January.

There is a seed of a great movement in the hearts of the people here. The women are on fire with the idea of a militant peace, a constructive and creative peace, as the fulfilment of the emergence into political life of the makers of humanity. Men are keen too. But the respective organizations will [cooperate] and not run into one; for women have a new thought and a new inspiration and a new point of view that they wish to keep unimpaired, so that the issues may not be confused.

Emmeline Pethick Lawrence.