Martha Carey Thomas to Jane Addams, November 4, 1912


November 4, 1912.

Dear Miss Addams:

I expect to be in Chicago on Friday and Saturday, November 8 and 9, on business connected with the new practice school we are to open at Bryn Mawr next year in connection with our Department of Education and it would a great help if you would allow me to see you for an hour to talk over several questions which must be settled before the National Convention. In regard to several of them I am much puzzled as to what attitude to take and your advice would be of real assistance.

I shall stay at the Auditorium Annex and could call on you at any time on Friday or Friday evening, or at any time on Saturday or Saturday evening. If you will kindly drop me a line to the Auditorium Annex I shall be very much obliged.

I hear great things of you in the Progressive campaign. Miss Shaw told me yesterday that you were to be the chief figure in a great Progressive demonstration in Kansas city. It is splendid to be able as you are to help as greatly the causes one cares for.

This is the first American election in my memory when I have been greatly stirred. It seems to me there is just a chance of a Progressive landslide. 

I am sorry to say that in spite of a Progressive address I made to our students they voted two to one for Wilson and Roosevelt only won over Taft by four votes.

With kind regards,

Sincerely yours,