To Live on $12 a Week, October 23, 1903



Miss Jane Addams, of Hull House, Tells How it Can be Done With Ease.

Special Dispatch to Democrat and Chronicle.

Chicago, Oct. 22. -- Miss Jane Addams and the Hull House Woman's Club say that a man can support a family on $12 a week, "if he lives as the French do." This is the weekly schedule which the Woman reported many families were living on in the Hull House district.

For rent, [$]2.30; table, $4; clothing, $1.50; fuel, $1; personal, $1.20; for giving, 50 cents; savings and amusement, $1.50. Total, $12.

This point was brought out by Miss Addams, who showed by tables that in the European republic the rent item is not more than 25 and not less than 20 [percent] of the family income.

"The poor of France seem to get more out of life than the poor anywhere else," said Miss Addams. "They have systemized their expenses and carefully save for extra pleasures."

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