Jane Addams et al. to Emmeline Pankhurst, October 19, 1913

Then it was decided that a telegram of sympathy and regret should be send to Mrs. Pankhurst. In order to assure its arrival at Ellis island the telegram was sent to Mrs. Pankhurst and a copy to her representative in New York as well. It reads:

We greatly deplore the humiliation to which you have been subjected at Ellis island and bit you welcome and godspeed.

It was signed by the women present, including Miss Addams, Mrs. Bowen, Mrs. Trout, Mrs. Robins, Mrs. Treadwell, Belle Squire, Mrs. L. Brackett Bishop, Miss Margaret Dobyne, Miss Editha Phelps, Miss Sophonisba Breckinridge, Miss Anna Nicholes, Miss Agnes Nestor, Mrs. Harriett Thompson, Mrs. Marian Grimm, Miss Emma Steghagen, Miss Mary Rozet Smith, Mrs. Laura Dainty Pelham, Kathleen Hamill, Mrs. James S. Morrison, Mrs. Mary M. Wilmarth, Anna Monroe, Edith Wyatt, Mrs. Judith Lowenthal, and Miss Margaret Haley. Miss Addams and Mrs. Wilmarth presided.