A. Maude Royden to Jane Addams, July 19, 1913


"The Common Cause"

2, Robert Street,
Adelphi, W.C.

Dear Miss Addams,

May I venture to remind you of your promise to send me a copy of the Report of the Chicago Vice Commission? I am constantly asked to write & speak on the subject, & we have no evidence here of the value & weight of that you have collected in America.

We propose to organize a vast Education Campaign during the autumn & winter, with people speaking <on> & studying the various questions connected with Women's Suffrage, all over the kingdom. My share, of course, will be to help in "Common Cause." Is there the faintest chance of getting something [page 2] written by you? We shall be studying our last section ("The need of pressure behind the demand for Moral Reforms") in February 1914, I believe. Could you possibly help us? Your name carries the very greatest weight over here. We are an insular race, & know too little about other people. But even English people know you! If you could put what you think on this subject -- connecting it, of course, with the suffrage -- into about 1500 or 1600 words, thousands of people would read them who would never look at any other Suffrage witing.

Forgive my troubling you. I know it is unpardonable. But I plead our great need.

Yours sincerely,

A. Maude Rayden

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