Jane Addams to Sarah Alice Addams Haldeman, February 5, 1913


Feb. 5, 1913

Dear Alice: --

Enclosed please find $15 for Rockford. I meant to send $25 direct and this happily saves me $10.

Mrs. Bowen has given up Egypt. Louise of course did not care to go after her engagement. Mrs. Bowen may possibly meet us in Sicily the first of May. If she does she and I will stay over for the Budapest International Suffrage Convention in June, but that is as yet all up in the air. She may find it impossible to get away even then. Both she and Louise have been to Egypt and have never seen Sicily.

Mary Smith is still in Colorado but leaves [today]. Her friend Mrs. Niver from Baltimore went out with her with her little boy. She developed a [thrombus] first in one leg and then in another, due to chronic [varicose] veins, but the doctors insisted upon complete quiet so that Mary [page 2] has been detained week after week. It looked at one time as if we would all be obliged to postpone our trip but I think we are really going to sail the 18th. The boat is The Adriatic, White Star Line, leaving I think rather early on Tuesday morning the 18th. Mrs. Bowen and I go on to New York a week from Saturday, leaving here the 15th. I have committee meetings of the Progressive Party on Sunday and on Monday we have an all day session with the National Suffrage Board, and speak at Carnegie Hall in the evening. I shall hope to see Marcet but there seems to be no chance of hearing her as the evenings are all filled. Mary I think will go by way of Baltimore taking little Charles Niver home, and leaving a little later than we do.

We sent a box of clippings the other day so that they might go in with [page 3] the others. [Anytime] you want to return the others direct them to Miss Ford at Hull-House and she will put them away. There is no hurry however about any of them.

I will write again before I go and I will promise not to forget the postal cards.

↑Always affectionately yours↓ J. A. [initialed]