Addams writes to Doty, for publication in Pax International, about her views on how Women's International League for Peace and Freedom sections can post the League's objects on their literature.
Addams advises Doty to keep the Pax International a four-page newsletter focused on the activities of the Women's International League for Peace and Freedom's branches.
Detzer tells Addams that she received programs for the International Congress of Women and will follow instructions regarding sending them out in the United States.
Addams tells Lomonosoff that in order for Russian women to attend the International Congress of Women, they need to form a national section and send delegates.
Addams tells Kittredge about her meeting with Lena Mathes regarding the operation of the Women's International League for Peace and Freedom's United States Section.
Addams confirms the date of a meeting set by Spencer and addresses her concerns regarding the Women's International League for Peace and Freedom's leadership.
Post updates Addams on the international delegate situation and provides her with confidential information on plans to obtain passports for the upcoming peace conference.
Schwimmer reports to Ford on the activities of the Neutral Conference for Continuous Mediation and the creation of the International Committee for Immediate Mediation to achieve the goal of hastening the end of World War I. She also complains about the barriers Ford has set against meeting with her.
Jacobs and Manus ask Addams for updates on decisions being made about the headquarters of the International Committee of Women for Permanent Peace, and ask for updates of activities in the United States.