Jane Addams to Florence Kelley, December 29, 1902

335 South Halsted Street

Dear Sister Kelley

Mrs [Sikes] says that she will undertake the Bibliography ↑on Child Labor↓ if you think that she can do it. I know of no one better and I can put her into communication with Mr Murphy and the Committee in New York.

About the other thing I would rather wait until I see you before we undertake it -- of course we could begin at once to commit the charities, not to give help when the children are not in school [etc] but as for the other I should like to discuss further. Have you time to write out a plan a little more fully? [page 2]

Margaret has been a dear throughout the whole vacation. She grows nicer year by year and almost week by week.

She hurt her head playing [basketball] you knowand I am in doubt as to whether she ought to play in a gym full of posts! What thinks her mother? Do write me about the boys & yourself. I hope to get up to Winnetka at last to inquire for Mrs Lloyd very soon -- Always yours J.A.

Dec 29" 1902