Joseph T. Bowen Country Club Land Values, ca. January 6, 1913


Miss Jane Addams: #2

Land 267.50
Hull House Association 267.50
To increase value to $100,000.00 in accordance with vote of Trustees as shown in Minute Book Page <?>
Jos. T. Bowen Country Club 41,000.00
Land Waukegan 30,000.00
[Waukegan] Equipment 4,000.00
{Jos T Bowen City Club Land was [illegible] at {30000.-}
Hull House Association 45,000.00
To set up the values of Land and Buildings at Waukegan as determined by the Trustees. (see page of Minute Book)
Mr. Lansingh Bldg. Fund 6,000.00
Lansingh Cottage Waukegan 6,000.00
To cancel old acconts for properties included in the above.

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