Amos Pinchot to Jane Addams, December 21, 1912



December 21st, 1912.

Miss Jane Addams,
Hull House, Chicago, Ill.

Dear Miss Addams:-

I enclsoe you a copy of my correspondence with Mr. Roosevelt. I think you saw my letter to him but not his reply.

Things are going very well here, I think. The Committees appointed yesterday by the Executive Committee seem to me first rate, much better than we had any right to hope. Tonight there is going to be a little conference of Progressives at our house to talk over what are the fundamental things which the Progressives should emphasize and make especial effort to get to the people.

Heney has not written out his trust staff for me yet, but will do so in a few days. I enclose a little pamphlet that George Record sent me.

When are you coming East? If you don't object and have the time I should like to have a little meeting of Progressives for you, I mean half a dozen people or so, so that we could talk things over.

With kindest regards, believe me,

Very truly yours,

Amos Pinchot [signed]

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