Margaret Dreier Robins to Jane Addams, October 17, 1912


October 17th, 1912.

Miss Jane Addams, National Committeemen,
Hull House, Chicago.

Dear Madam:

It gives me pleasure to submit to you a report of our organization work done in the State of Illinois from October 10th to October 17th.

The following list of meetings have been held in Chicago and various parts of the State at which there were women speakers:




Evanston, Ill.

October 10th

Mrs. Raymond Robins

Mr. Gifford Pinchot

Chicago -- 14th Ward

October 10th

Mrs. J. W. Robbins

Miss Farrar

Mrs. Robert Wiles

Chicago -- Seeley Ave.

October 11th

Mrs. Raymond Robins

Chicago -- 3102 W. Madison St.

October 11th

Mrs. George Plummer

Chicago -- (Noon) Madison St.


October 11th

Mrs. J. W. Robbins

Chicago -- (Evening) West Side

October 12th

Mrs. Raymond Robins

Chicago -- (Noon) Madison St.


October 12th

Miss Virginia Brooks

Springfield --

October 14th

Mrs. Welles

Mrs. Raymond Robins

[page 2]




Chicago -- Madison St. Shop

October 14th

Mrs. [Woolley]

Paris --

October 15th

Mrs. Heloise Wynne

Chicago -- Madison St. Shop

October 15th

Mrs. E. Vosburg

Belvidere --

October 16th

Miss [Harriet] Vittum

Rockford --

October 16th

Mrs. George W. Plummer

Carbondale --

October 16th

Mrs. Raymond Robins

Chicago --

October 17th

Mrs. Antoinette Funk

Moline --

October 17th

Mrs. Heloise Wynne

Mt. Vernon --

October 17th

Mrs. Raymond Robins

Chicago -- Lyric Theater (Noon)

October 17th

Miss Jane Addams

Chicago -- Colored Meeting (Evening)

October 17th

Miss Jane Addams (Jane Addams Chorus)

I am enclosing copies of all literature and appeals which have been sent out throughout the city and state. <from Oct. 10th to 17th>

We have sent out 2500 copies of a letter announcing that Mrs. George W. Plummer, Chairman of Speaker's Bureau for Woman's Branch, will help to organize women throughout the State, and we have had many letters from small towns saying that they could not arrange for large meetings but that they would be glad of help in organizing.

Five hundred postals have been sent out announcing the meeting at the Lyric Theater, at which Miss Addams will speak. [page 3]

The response to our letters asking people to distribute literature, etc. is gratifying, and many new names are being given us of people who are interested in the Progressive Party and are willing to work for it.