Martha Carey Thomas to Marjorie Daw Johnson, July 23, 1912


July 23, 1912.

Dear Miss Johnson,

I am writing at once in reply to your letter to say that men or women are equally good. When I said that I thought it was better for us not to appeal to men I meant to appeal to men to become members of our Ways and Means Committee but of course if we can get money from men so much the better. They have more to spare than women and if it seems best to Miss Addams and Miss Breckinridge to make men members of the Ways and Means Committee in Chicago I have no possible objection.

In regard to asking for money of course there again we must get it in any way we can for any object we can and if Miss Addams and Miss Breckinridge think people will be more apt to give to the National to meet the heavy expenses of publishing the Journal the only thing you can do is to follow their advice and emphasize the Journal. The main thing is to get money. Try to collect as soon as possible all that is subscribed and send it on as I fear from what Miss Shaw and Mrs. Dennett write me that the National is in great trouble. The Woman's Journal is running behind between two and three thousand dollars a month and I do not know how they can get the money even to pay their clerks unless we help them.

I can scarcely believe that you have had $3000 already promised. It seems too good to be true. Of course Mrs. Medill McCormick is a great power in herself. It is splendid that she is helping you and indeed all the woman [page 2] whom Miss Addams and Miss Breckinridge have got interested.

I entirely agree with you that with such splendid prospects for such wonderful success you must work in entire harmony with all the suggestions made by Miss Addams and Miss Breckinridge. When you went to Chicago I of course never intended anything else. I am only the chairman of the Ways and Means Committee appointed by the National Board to help the Board to meet their expenses and Miss Addams and Miss Breckinridge are the first and second vice-presidents and are of course the people who appointed me. All that I am doing is only to try to serve the members of the Board to the best of my ability. In sending you out to Chicago and in asking Miss Addams and Miss Breckinridge to help you our Ways and Means Committee of course placed you under their orders so to speak.

As I am very anxious that there should be no misunderstanding I am sending a copy of this letter to Miss Addams and to Miss Breckinridge.

Very sincerely yours,