Charles P. Schwartz to Julius Rosenwald, April 12, 1912


April 12, 1912.


Subject: Goldman Loan.

Mr. Julius Rosenwald,
c/o Sears-Roebuck & Co.,

Dear Sir:

Miss Addams requested me to write you with reference to the Goldman loan.

The loan is secured by a trust deed on an equity of redemption in a three-story building and lot occupied by Mr. Goldman. The equity which he has in the property is estimated to be worth in the neighborhood of $5,000. We have at your suggestion made the loan in the name of Miss Addams.

The notes were taken for the full amount, bearing 4% interest, payable monthly. Mr. Goldman has met this obligation and we now have $30.00 deposited in the Continental & Commercial Trust & Savings Bank under the name of Goldman Loan Fund. The principal note was made payable within one year from the date of its execution and we trust that this will be met in due course.

Very truly yours,


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