Graham Taylor to Jane Addams, December 23, 1911


Chicago, Dec. 23, 1911.

Miss Jane Addams,
Hull House,
Chicago, Ill.

My dear Miss Addams:--

You do not mind and are a very [willful] person, after all I said to you about not shouldering the burden which our dear Mrs. Matz carried so gaily. Tell me the truth -- at least about your check. It seems to have been drawn to cover the balance which you did not get from others. If it was not covered by other subscriptions, be good enough to me to tell me so, for I want to return it. You have borne a large enough share in soliciting all these subscriptions.

I appreciate what you have done in finishing what dear Mrs. Matz began as much as I did her standing with me under it all, and that is a great deal. Of course, I want to acknowledge the contributions of each giver, unless for any reason you think I should not do so, for a great big burden was lifted from me and our Chicago Commons work when that saloon lease was cancelled, you may imagine.

Truly yours,


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