Interview with Jane Addams, August 30, 1923 (excerpt)



But One Public Appearance, At Which She May Say Few Words, Her Program

Ailment For Which She Had Operation Not Grave, But Weakens; No Survey Here

Convalescing after an illness which kept her for a month confined in a hospital in Japan, and still feeling the effects of an injury to her arm, suffered in a rickshaw accident in China, Jane Addams, one of the world's greatest social workers and the woman who established the famous Hull House of Chicago in 1889, arrived in Honolulu this afternoon a passenger on the Pacific Mail liner President Cleveland.

Miss Addams, who is completing a pleasure tour which has included visits to France, Scandinavia, India and the Orient, will remain in Honolulu until September 8 when she will sail on the steamship Calawaii for Los Angeles. After a short visit in California with relatives she will continue on to Chicago to resume her work at the social settlement.

Traveling with her as companions are Mary Rozet Smith and Dr. Alice Hamilton, instructor in the medical department of Columbia University.

One Public Appearance

Miss Addams will make but a single appearance while she is here and that will be a week from tomorrow evening at the Central Union Church. She has consented to occupy a seat on the platform at the meeting, under the auspices of the Pan-Pacific Union and the League of Women Voters, at which Chester H. Rowell will give the [page 2] main address. Due to her physical condition, which is not all good, she has declined to talk at any length but probably will say a few words. Other invitations to speak have been extended to her but she will not be able to accept them, she intimated off port this morning.

The tour which Miss Addams began last December when she went to The Hague to attend a meeting of the Women's International League has been a pleasure trip entirely with this one exception. Leaving Belgium her party took in Norway, Denmark and Sweden, returned to Paris and then sailed for Bombay. Two months were spent in India, about the same amount of time in China and approximately seven weeks in Japan.

Denies Ailment Serious

It was while in Japan that she became ill and physicians, after consultation, decided on an operation. It was a success and today her health is good except that she is still somewhat exhausted from the rigors of her illness and from constant traveling for nearly 10 months. Reports at the time of her operation indicated that her ailment was serious but she denied this flatly this morning. After a month in the hospital she went to Nikko, near Yokohama, where she remained for three weeks resting and storing up strength for her homeward journey.

Miss Addams will make no survey of social or industrial conditions in Hawaii.

"I will have no time to carry on any such work here," she said this morning. "I am not in a position to give my impressions of social conditions in any of the countries I have visited. My stops were too short to permit me to gather definite information or to obtain any lasting impressions."

Reception Guest at [Tokyo]

Miss Addams was a guest at an elaborate reception in [Tokyo] but has made no public appearances elsewhere. She has talked briefly with people interested in social and industrial problems but has done so only casually and not with the intention of seeking information.

Dr. Frank Bunker of the Pan-Pacific Union, met Miss Addams on board the Cleveland off port this morning. The reception committee at the wharf included only Mrs. Harriet Castle Coleman and Miss Ermine Cross, director of the Castle Kindergarten. Both are old friends of Miss Addams. James Rath, head worker of Palama Settlement, met her in Chicago years ago.

Reservations for her party have been made at the Pleasanton Hotel, Punahou.