Jane Addams to Julius Rosenwald, January 23, 1925


January 23, 1925

My dear Mr. Rosenwald:

May I remind you of your kind offer to ask Judge Horner concerning the possible amounts left to the Hull-house Association in the wills of Mr. Hutchinson and Mr. ↑Wm P.↓ Tuttle. Both of these wills were probated last autumn. I shall be very grateful if we may know the amounts and probable dates of payment.

In regard to filling the vacancy on the Board of Trustees, Mrs. Bowen feels it would be much better if we could secure a man who has long been interested in Hull-House, and already has some natural ties and affections to us. On this basis, she has agreed to Mr. Harold [H.] Rockwell who is as you know, in the Trust Department of the Northern Trust Company. He taught at Hull-House as a young man, and when he came to dinner last night I ventured to ask him about Ned Brown and various other people in a general way. He made such a good impression that he occurred both to Mary Smith and myself as a possibility, and Mrs. Bowen eagerly seconded it. Does this seem to you the path of wisdom rather than to secure a man who knows very little about us? I suppose Mr. Rockwell does not stand so high in the banking world, but on the other hand he must have his place there. He lives at Oak Park, which would perhaps be a more fitting suburb for Hull-House to cultivate than Lake Forest. If I hear from you favorably I will telephone to the other trustees. It will be easy for any of us to approach Mr. Rockwell.

Thanking you for your unending kindnesses, I am,

Faithfully yours,

Jane Addams [signed]