Amy Woods to Zonia Baber, November 13, 1924


November 13, 1924.

Sent to Mrs. H. C. Hull,
Miss Jane Addams.

Miss Zonia Baber,
5623 Dorchester Ave,
Chicago, Ill.

Dear Miss Baber:

You will be glad to know that I have been successful today in finding a senator who is not only willing, but happy to incorporate our resolutions into the congressional records, the early part of December. Senator Ladd of North Dakota will do this, but asks that we put it in the form that we would prefer, allowing him to change it a bit if it seems best to him.

I saw Senator Wheeler and Senator [Frazier] who both approve of having the resolution put into the records, and I think it will be possible to get some of the men to speak from the floor when it comes up. I suggest that some one person in the League put definitely in charge to see that it appears early in December and that a cable be sent to Miss Baber or myself as soon as it appears, giving it in complete form. I talked with the secretaries of the following men: --

Senator LaFollette
[Senator] Borah
[Senator] Shipsted
[Senator] Brookhart
[Senator] Norris
[Senator] Walsh
[Senator] Owen

They were all interested, but of course could not speak for their senators. These senators should be seen personally as soon as they return to Washington.

In the House [Kvale], [Wefald], Berger, Sinclair, [La Guardia], and all Wisconsin members of the house should also be seen. It would be well if the bill could be incorporated in the House at the same time. [page 2]

I am enclosing copies of the resolutions adopted at the Hague in 1915, and the one passed at the National Board meeting in Chicago November 1923.

I would suggest that our bill be formulated to incorporate the best in each of these resolutions. Perhaps in the form in 1915 is better, but there is greater strength in the definiteness of the Chicago resolution.


National Secretary