Jane Addams to Mary Everts Ewing, January 6, 1925


January 6, 1925

My dear Mrs. Ewing:

Mary Smith and I both appreciated very much your kind invitation to visit you in Florida this winter, and I am sure you know that we decline with real regret.

Several weeks ago we took passage on the [Montroyal] for the West Indies, leaving New York March 1st and returning to New York March 31st, visiting as nearly as I can make out, nearly every island in the Caribbean. We stop one night at Bermuda on the way back where Mary's niece and little children are spending the late winter; and altogether we are tied down quite tightly.

I am sure you know we appreciate your kindness and send our affectionate greetings to the entire family.

Devotedly yours,

Jane Addams [signed]

Mrs. Charles Hull Ewing,
Lake Forest, Ill.