Jane Addams to Anita McCormick Blaine, December 27, 1924


Quo Vadimus?

When we consider man, how far he fares,

From [groveling] darkness of the world's first years

From bonds and chains and superstitious fears

He stands upright and every danger dares!

We marvel at his brave inventive mind

That strives, endures and fails and strives again

Until [from] depths of ignorance and pain

He conquers to the light he fain would find!

What shall it profit man to rule the world

If he doth lose his soul? This is the hour

When force and greed must yield to spirit's power,

When you and I must live our brotherhood

And say to all: "War shall not be again

But Peace shall rule on earth, Good-will to men."

Florence Holbrook

(over) [page 2]

My dear Mrs Blaine

How beautiful the flowers in the huge box were, which came Xmas morning. I am so grateful to you for their message and I wish that you might have shared the cheer which they spread far and wide. May I come to see you soon to tell you about that and many other things?

Always affectionately yours

Jane Addams

Dec 27" 1924

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