September 5, 1924
Dear Miss Brite:
Your letter in regard to Alice House's will is certainly very exciting and I am happier than I can say to feel that we may have a gift from her not only for the money value but it will give the world a sense that we have loyal members ready to put our name in their wills.
I am sending your letter to Miss Addams and a copy of it to Mrs. Hull. I shall be very happy if Mr. Alfred Bettman could also represent us in regard to this matter. If I remember rightly he is a nephew of Mrs. Simon Kuhn, who was so splendid this summer in taking upon her shoulders the care of our Pax Special.
I will ask Miss Addams and Mrs. Hull to write you directly. Of course I shall be most happy to have you act for us but it would give you a stronger position to have letters from them both.
National Secretary