Anne Nyhan Scribner Hard to Jane Addams, ca. June 1910


1335 Columbia Avenue.

My dear Miss Addams

All these months since I first read the "Newer Ideals of Peace" I have wished to write to you because I wanted so much to tell you what an effect it had upon me. Then I wouldn't [page 2] because I'd tell myself it would sound over drawn. But now I am. What's the use of waiting till you're dead and telling everyone else I want to tell you. You know I won't forget how I felt when I saw the expression [page 3] in your eyes when I uttered some violent ideas [illegible]. I have always been a lover of the battle and the shouting. I've had fathers in every war the US ever fought and fighting Indians in between times. So that it means a good deal to me to admit that I don't want war to go on, that the brasses and the clashes and the uniforms are no longer the most thrilling thoughts I can conjure. But its the truth I have read parts of your book over and over. [page 4] I believe one woman did a great work by showing that war is hell. I think a another woman has done its <even> [illegible] ↑work↓ by showing that peace is glorious.

Billie is in Saint Paul or he would probably join me in [page 5] very best wishes. I think it would do you good if you are to be in the city this summer, to come out over Sunday for a little rest. Could you do this provided we promised to have no one else here? And how about one week from next Sunday? It is fresh and cool and quiet here.

Very sincerely yours,

Anne Hard.

On next Sunday? Only Billie probably won't be here.


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