Agatha Mary Harrison to Jane Addams, January 18, 1924

Jan 18th

Dear Miss Addams,

I have been out of town for a short time. I came back to find your delightful picture & letter amongst my mail. Thank you so much for sending this charming reminder of you to me. I shall [page 2] value it.

I leave for England on Feb 9th [traveling] via America.

I am hoping very much that I shall have a few days in Chicago -- & if so shall look forward to the chance of meeting you again. The news of your illness in Japan gave us great concern. [page 3] I hope you are well again & that one day you will come East again. [Yes] we need you.

Yours sincerely

Agatha Harrison

(In case you cannot place me -- I am the Industrial Secretary of the Y.W.C.A.)