John Stewart Burgess to Jane Addams, June 14, 1923


June 14, 1923.

Miss Jane Addams,
c/o American Express Company,
Tokyo, Japan.

Dear Miss Addams: --

I am enclosing a note that came from Mr. Ting of the Customs Service in response to our invitation to meet you at dinner in our home. I thought you would like the direct form of expression used by Mr. Ting.

Your visit here did us great good, and helped forward in many ways the social movement of Peking. Many have expressed warm appreciation of your suggestions and advice, and we hope you will come again.

I know that you will not forget the two requests for statements, -- one relative to the value of the foreign work of the Y.W.C.A. and the other concerning the field and importance of social work in Peking, with special reference to our training school for social workers related to Peking University.

Thanking you again for all your kindness,

Very sincerely,

J S Burgess [signed]

Enc. 1

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