Jane Addams to Esther Margaret Linn Hulbert, July 9, 1910


July 9" 1910

Dear Esther

Mary Smith sent the clock hoping the children would enjoy it. She is also sending some [cloth] she bids you give away if you don't want them. If the blue silk [was] taken in at the back of the skirt, it would be all right.

I have stirred up today but if the things don't come for sure to write him?, you have the date on the bill. The salesman was named Taylor. Eleanor Smith has a check for the well, but will you have [page 2] Edwards send me the bill to Bethel Maine, for his work.

Please buy the kitchen table off Mrs Murphy with the [enclosed] and ask her to take back the other things when the last Final things come.

Do let me know when the [slow?] old stuff comes at last.

With love to all of you,

Your loving Aunt J. A.


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