Dear J. A.
The Am. Assn of S.W. is valuable it is developing a professional [policy] and standardizing social work, in time it will insure better service in all lands ↑lines↓. I believe in it heartily.
About the questions
I The only addition I can think of is to study "How to interpret social service to the community, public officials, judges etc."
II The proposal has been made that the Social Service club membership [page 2] be invited to attend an open a meeting each month of the Association Paying possibly 50¢ a year to insure postage expense. Details have not been worked out.
III I think if the local chapter could meet expenses on $2.50 a year it would be fine -- membership dues in the Association are $5.00 and this would make $7.50 which is a good deal for smaller paid folks -- If less good.
IV A placement bureau would be a help in the city but the financing of it is prohibitive unless all agencies would join and use it. The support should be assured before it is started. [page(s) may be missing]