Helen Culver to Jane Addams, March 10, 1908

31 Ashland Boulevard,
Mch 10, 1908.

Dear Miss Addams,

[Enclosed] is chq $50.00 for use of Miss Olga Averbuch. I don't know just how much it is proposed to do for the poor girl but this will provide for her immediate necessities. You will see by the borrowed check that I am not in funds just now. However I have promised Miss Smith and Mrs Bowen that they and you may rely upon me for $2000, before the end of the week to meet the smaller bills [page 2] that are pressing. This will more than cover the $1700. mentioned in Mr Pond's letter of the first of the year, as deficit on the dining room.

We are hoping that you will not feel obliged to take the lecture platform as Miss Smith says you are liable to do.

Sincerely yours

Helen Culver.

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